GOP Leader Says He Was Not a White Supremacist


GOP Leader Says He Was Not a White Supremacist

(Screenshot) At a tax event in Washington, D.C., Tuesday night, Dr. Benjamin F. Rittenhouse, former member of Congress and senior advisor to U.S. policy, told the audience that he was not a racist or…

Canadian PM announces end to asylum-seekers' detention


Canadian PM announces end to asylum-seekers’ detention

Image copyright Reuters Image caption Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who promised to welcome refugees fleeing the US, meets with incoming migrants in Montreal on Monday Canada’s prime minister has announced an end to…

Change Changing Things by Stephen Meyer – review


Change Changing Things by Stephen Meyer – review

As a particle physicist, Stephen was interested in finding new ways to harness the possibility of exponential change – whether that’s by analyzing the behaviour of electrons, studying the Big Bang, or inventing new…

Nicaragua election: How did it go?


Nicaragua election: How did it go?

Image copyright AFP Image caption Maria Ortega has been in power since 2006 Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega has won re-election in disputed polls where international observers said they were “appalled and alarmed”. Nicaragua’s electoral…